Friday, April 17, 2009

Sprouting Tray & Transplants

We're starting all our seeds in these little mini peat pellet greenhouses that we can cover with a plastic lid to keep the heat in:

Sprouting Tray
Originally uploaded by hum97

We have two whole trays we plan to fill up with starters, here I am with one of them:

Me with sprouting tray
Originally uploaded by hum97

Some of our seedlings have gotten pretty big already, so we transplanted them to bigger pots, most of which are bio-degradable so we can put them straight into the ground, pot and all:

Sprouting Tray & Transplants
Originally uploaded by hum97

Here I am with one of the pea sproutlings, it already looks much happier in the bigger pot!

Me with sproutling
Originally uploaded by hum97

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