Saturday, April 18, 2009

Plotting the Plot

Before digging
Originally uploaded by hum97
This is where we want to put our garden in the back yard. There has been a garden there a couple different times since our family started living in this house, but it's been a good many years, enough for the grass to all grow back. We put out some cardboard a few months ago to try and start killing off the grass. We really should have done that last fall, but better late than never...

You can see from the white pole and the white flags that we want to extend the garden farther than the cardboard part, but we ran out of cardboard. We're cleared by Iowa One Call to dig, so we'll see how it goes! Here's the first shovel in the ground:

Tommy Digging, originally uploaded by hum97.

Here's some progress after T dug for a while (note the colored "all clear" flags):

Some progress in digging, originally uploaded by hum97.

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